Lawn Care Schedule

The lawn care schedule featured here forms part of our free lawn care contract and clearly outlines the services provided by the contractor.

Your lawn care business may offer a standard maintenance program that includes fertilizing and weed control for example, or those services may be additional/optional services that will be priced separately.

You may also offer plant maintenance and pest control for shrubs and trees, fall garden cleanup etc., over and above your lawn care services which can be added to this form.

mower on lawn

We therefore drafted this as a separate Lawn Care Schedule template, which you can edit to suit your business requirements. It must be signed off by both Client and Contractor and attached to the Free Lawn Care Contract.

Important Note: For a variety of more free legal forms for your business please visit our main Independent Contractor page.

Copyright Notice

Lawn Care Schedule - [Company / Contractor's Name]

Client's Details

Property Address
Tel: Home Office Mobile Other
Lawn Area Lawn Type

Standard Services

Frequency / Season


Mowing, line trimming, edging and clean-up of all clippings on areas outside the lawn. 
Note: It is advisable to leave some clippings on the lawn, failing which the addition of phosphorous and potassium is recommended

The above standard lawn care program shall be performed at a total cost of $________ per week / per month. Additional and optional services are listed below - please tick if required.

Optional Services

Frequency / Season


(__) Fertilization (A soil test will be done to determine the needs of the lawn.)    
(__) Weed Control: Pre-emergence Early Spring or 2-3 weeks before weeds emerge  
(__) Weed Control: Post-emergence    
(__) Coring / Aeration Fall (i.e. Autumn)  
(__)  De-thatching / Scarifying Fall - Cool season lawns Late Spring - Warm season lawns  
(__) Re-seeding / Re-sodding bare spots Spring  
(__) Control of surface-feeding insects Pest-specific Regimens  
(__) Control of Grubs Pest-specific Regimens  
(__) Disease Control - mostly preventative i.e. correct fertilization and watering Removal of diseased clippings and anti-fungal spray  




The lawn care services as outlined above shall commence on the
____day of_____________________20___ and shall continue for ___months
or until duly terminated by either party.
The Contractor reserves the right to amend prices after this period.


Client's Signature___________________Date__________________

Contractor's Signature_____________________Date_______________
Duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Company / Contractor


Note: If any of the services listed here as additional/optional are included in your basic lawn service package, you could just note "incl" in the cost column.

You can expand the information on this lawn care schedule to provide lawn care tips and to educate your clients on their part in maintaining a beautiful and healthy lawn.

Print your lawn care schedule on your company letterhead for a professional look. Both Client and Contractor must initial every page (if it runs to more than one) with full signatures at the end.

Consult with an attorney in your area to ensure your legal forms are complete and comply with the laws in your jurisdiction.

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