We provide a variety of free legal will forms that may assist you
in drawing up your last will and testament.
The information on this page however, deals specifically with people who are cohabiting but are not legally married or have not registered a civil partnership.
Visit our main page on Wills for many other templates which may be more suitable for your requirements.
This is the important bit!
Perhaps the most compelling reason to have a Last Will and Testament in place applies to unmarried people, because (unlike a spouse or civil partner) they may not have the automatic right to inherit from a life partner.
There are many reasons why people may choose not to marry or register a civil partnership:
However, living together for a period of time does not make for a "common law marriage" (in most jurisdictions) and does not automatically grant the same legal rights as for married couples, such as exemption from inheritance tax.
Note: Please refer to our guidelines on Writing a Will for an overview and where you can also find links to a selection of more free legal forms for last wills.
We have two forms for unmarried people which may work for you:
* Last will for single person without children
* Will form for single person with adult children
Life partners may have a cohabitation agreement in place. However, it may only make provision for division of property upon termination of the relationship and may not provide for bequests upon death.
Note: Where partners jointly own property (and the property deed reflects that), such a property will automatically go to the surviving partner and need not be mentioned in the will as part of the estate assets.
However, a partner may have contributed to mortgage payments, although the deed only lists the other's name.
Without the presence of the will, the non-listed partner may have to institute a claim against the estate to recover such mortgage payments, let alone the appreciated value of the property.
Have a look at the various free legal will forms listed on our Last Will and Testament main page - you may want to use a combination of forms to compile a will that suits you best.
These accounts (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Emails etc.) may not have monetary value, but you would not want to leave them out there in the big internet yonder after you pass away.
Incidentally, the highest incidence of hacking of personal accounts is with deceased accounts.
There's no need to address these accounts in your Will. In fact, if you wish the details to remain private you should not disclose them in a document (Last Will) that becomes public knowledge upon your passing.
Please visit our page on social media wills for more information on how to give instructions to your digital executor and the accompanying free templates
We will be making it very easy to address this! With our App you will be able to securely and confidentailly store login details, appoint an executor and leave instrucitons on how your want your digital accounts to be finalised.
Visit our EndExec App page to register your email address to get advance notice of this upcoming release.
We provide extensive information on how to create a Testamentary Trust in your last will and testament.
Start with this page on Family Wills with Trust Structures and then go through the additional information on Testamentary Trusts and creating a Trust under Will.
Note: We strongly recommend consulting with a professional to assist you with establishing living trusts. Visit Free Living Trust Information first to save you and your attorney time (and therefore money) when you meet to discuss your estate plan.
Our free legal will forms can assist you with streamlining your thoughts before compiling your last will and testament and consulting with an attorney. If you have complex financial affairs, professional advice must be sought to assist with estate planning.
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