Bill of Sale
Guidelines and Templates

A written bill of sale is to the benefit of both buyer and seller
when transferring the ownership of goods of any kind.

We've compiled a variety of templates which you can download and print or edit to suit your requirements.

The general contracts of sale can be used for the sale of personal goods such as appliances, computer equipment, musical instruments, sporting or gardening equipment etc.

earth for sale

To document the sale of an automobile, boat or motorcycle, please refer to our free contract templates listed further down on this page which are specifically drafted for those transactions.

And as always, we also provide additional guidelines to assist you in compiling your form in order to cover any pertinent details.

Bill of Sale - General Contracts

Standard Sales Template - Selling Goods with immediate exchange of Payment and Goods

Sales Template - Selling Goods with receipt of a Holding Deposit

Installment Sales and Liens - Legal Guidelines

Installment Sale - Sample Agreement making provision for multiple payments as in a hire purchase sales agreement

Assignment of Copyright - To transfer ownership of copyright-protected material

Automobile Bill of Sale

car for sale

Car Sales Agreement - For a Once-off Single Payment which concludes the sales transaction.

Used Car Sales Contract - For Installment Payments

Motorcycle Sales Agreement

bike for sale

Free Motorcycle Bill of Sale - When a Single Payment concludes the sale

Motorcycle Installment / Hire Purchase Sale

Legal Documents Involving Transactions for Boats

boat for sale

Boat Sales Agreement - For a Single Payment, with or without a holding deposit.

Boat Installment Sale - Clearly spelling out the Payment Terms and Conditions.

Should you need any information on how to download or edit any of our free legal documents, please refer to our Free Legal Forms Online help page.

The following guidelines can assist you in completing or adapting the free legal forms listed above:

  • The most important aspect for the buyer are the warranties made by the seller:
    The seller must warrant that he/she is the legal owner of the goods and that it is free of all encumbrances.
  • Conversely, it is as important to the seller to have the buyer acknowledge that the goods are bought As-Is, with no further guarantee or warranty from the seller.
  • It is always a good idea to describe the goods being sold in detail. List the make, model number and serial number if applicable as well as any other distinguishing details.

    You may also want to specify items not included if it is pertinent to the sale, e.g. Television Without Remote Control.
  • We've made provision for your bill of sale to be notarized. Should you wish to have your sales agreement notarized, you must sign it in the presence of the Notary Public. In many instances this won't be necessary though, and that portion can be deleted.
  • Buyer, seller and any witnesses must initial every page and any alterations and must sign in full at the end of the form.
  • The buyer and seller should each receive a copy of the document.
  • You can easily insert additional terms and conditions - take care to keep the paragraphs numbered chronologically.

If you have any suggestions as to other specific free legal forms or a tailor made sales agreement that you would like us to add, please Contact Us. You know your requirements best, so please list any terms and conditions that you would like to see included.

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